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What brings you here?


Being a Highly Sensitive/Empath has its ups and downs – and it's a delicate balance that can affect you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Here you will find a variety of practical, effective tools to help regain and maintain balance. For adults, teens, and parents.

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It is estimated that 30-50% of clients seeking mental health support are Highly Sensitive – and over half of the world's health professionals are HSPs, too!

Learn about the accredited certification/CE course or choose supplemental materials for your sensitive clients.

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Are you experiencing the Shift?

Many sensitive souls have been experiencing the symptoms of the radical shift happening at this time on earth. Besides the physical and mental symptoms, the emotional fears about what the shift means to us as individuals, communities and the world can be overwhelming. Common fears include losing one's identity and the life they have always known; a fear of not being able to relate to others anymore; a fear that the journey will be too hard; and the fear of losing those they love who are not on the same spiritual journey.

If you have been experiencing any of these fears, know that you are not alone — and that your fears (which generally trigger resistance) can be diminished with relevant mind-body-energy practices.

In the new 5-hour course "A Down To Earth Guide To Ascension", you will be invited to face your fears about what it means to make the shift — and how to "co-live" in the 3D and 5D worlds with more ease, grace and confidence — as well as learn strategies to ease the mind, body, emotional and behavioral symptoms.

Copyright © 2024 Jeannette Folan